Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Day Two May 7th, 2013

Oh London, I love you. Today was awesome. I woke up a couple times to people being loud when they got to the hostel and woke up once at 5 am, but went right back to sleep. I think it's so cool to be in a hostel. Our shower only turns on for 10 seconds at a time haha can you image shaving? After we woke up we had breakfast, then had class (contemporary theatre and historical clothing are the classes I am taking), then went to the British Museum, then The National Gallery, then dinner, then War Horse. War Horse was absolutely INCREDIBLE. Of course I cried. The puppeteering in the play is breath taking. There are three actors that move the horse puppet, they have perfected it.


Our hostel.

The sitting room in our hostel.

Tube surfing. 

Love miss Katie Kapp.

The Leonardo cartoon. (Cartoon means the rough draft)

Obsessed with the architecture here.

The Rosetta Stone 

The British Museum 


  1. I didn't know you were taking those FUN!! And all the theater...ahhh so jealy!!

  2. I'm so glad no cool guys went on this trip to win your heart. I needed you to come home single and ready to mingle. I also CAN'T BELIEVE how chill you were about staying at a hostile. Nothing about them seems up your alley.
