Sunday, May 12, 2013

May 10th

Today was the best day ever. We took the train to Hampton Court. It was such a quaint little town. We grabbed lunch (I got fresh mozzarella and tomato on a fresh baguette..yummy!)We spent most of the day at Hampton Court Palace. It was so unreal! Seriously, it was absolutely beautiful. It is where Henry VIII lived. I can’t believe people really lived like that. They had people dressed in the old clothing that we are learning about in my Historical Clothing class, which was cool to see. The palace was so large. Every new generation living there instead of redoing the existing palace when things went out of style, they would just add a new wing to the building. The gardens were breathtaking. Mel and I turned on some Lord Heron on Mel’s phone and fell asleep on a bench in the gardens. How magical does that sound? There was a part of the property called “the wilderness”, where there were wild flowers and gorgeous blossoming trees. I felt like I was in a fairytale or in Pride and Prejudice. Afterwards Mel and I went shopping. We went to Primark, which is like the English Forever 21. It was great. Then we went to dinner and then to Jersey boys. It wasn’t my favorite but the music was good.
The fire in one of the kitchen's of the palace was
our favorite-it was freezing in the palace!
Train ride to Hampton Court.

"The Wilderness"


It was nice to have a guided tour through
these babies. 

You could dress up in cloaks.. I used
it as a blanket.
It warmed up.
"The Wilderness"
Hampton Court Palace.

That's real..
Mel, Katie, Me, Markay.
Jersey Boys with our shopping bags.


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